Each month Annie brings a brief blog designed to encourage you as a student ministry leader in your personal life. While we can all grow weary in the work, we also all need a recharge. Allow this blog to recharge and refresh you as you personally pursue Christ.
Watch Annie and Rich share her vision for recharge!
Sweet Summertime
While the other ministries in your church either shut it down or slow it down, yet we in student ministry still go hard!
While you are busy this summer ministering to others, what about ministering to you and your family?
The Beauty of Surrender
Perhaps receiving His call to serve in ministry required a battle which ended in surrender to Him? Maybe there are other areas in your life where surrender has been difficult? Pride, attachment, fear, and control are just a few factors that exist within each of us, making surrender exceedingly difficult at times. This raises some fair questions. Is surrender worth it? And if so, why is it worth it? Better yet why is living for Christ worth it? My thought on this is quite simple - there is beauty in the surrender.
Lessons Learned From King amaziah
Here is the story of a young 25-year-old leader entering his first year of a new job of leading God’s people while facing difficult circumstances both from within and without. While this may sound like a new student pastor starting off in ministry during this difficult time, this is the narrative of a young king. Whether you are new in ministry or a veteran, there is much we need to learn from the life of King Amaziah.
See Prayer as a Gift
We know we need to take time to connect with God…but do we? Annie writes, “Prayer is both a spiritual discipline AND a divine opportunity. Jesus does not ask us to pray but instructs us to do it.” This month’s blog is designed to help you fall in love again with the divine opportunity to spend intimate time with the Father.
Did Jesus haver friends? Are friends even important? And in the middle of ministry, should I have close friends and is this even possible? This blog wraps up the series based on Luke 2:52 as Annie takes a look into growing socially with three needed elements to healthy friendships.
You love the Word of God. You study the Word of God. You teach the Word of God to others. You own a ton of Bibles. But what is your game plan to personally feed yourself in the Word this coming year?
Have you ever wondered, “How did Jesus increase spiritually? After all…He’s Jesus!” It is one thing to consider Jesus growing physically or even socially, but spiritually? And yet in the middle of the kenosis (Philippians 2), He did! So how does this impact our own need to grow spiritually in the way that Christ did?
Jesus grew and developed in the same ways that we do: spiritually, emotionally, socially, and physically - Jesus experienced humanity in the fullest form. So how can we develop physically in honor to Christ?
As we consider how Jesus grew in four crucial areas, this issue focuses on our need to be growing in wisdom.
the powerful influence of a “Volunteer” small group leader
The real life story of a young lady seeking God and the beautiful influence of a faithful “volunteer” small group leader.