You love the Word of God. You study the Word of God. You teach the Word of God to others. You own a ton of Bibles (and pictured here are just some of mine.)
But what is your game plan to personally feed yourself in the Word this coming year?
Here are some PERSONAL TRIED & TRUE suggestions:
Read the entire Bible through in one year.
Yes, I am a fan and have been doing it since the 8th grade. While many seem to make light of this, I have no regrets. In the above picture (bottom shelf) you can see some of the Bibles I have used for this annual journey. I am a huge fan of reading the Scripture through chronologically and here you see my favorite edition of this system, the Daily Bible by F. LaGard Smith. This is the best I have seen or used. It harmonizes the parallel passages, especially in the Old Testament and the gospels. You are reading the Scripture in order of the events as they happened.
Read the New Testament through in one year.
Full disclosure - I just did this in 2021…Matthew - Revelation. I wanted to slow down my intake of the New Testament. One addition was to add listening to the same passage through You Version after reading the text. This allowed me to meditate on the passage after reading. I really did enjoy this but honestly, I missed the Old Testament. This year I am going back to the Chronological plan.
Read through the Life of Jesus.
A couple of years I focused the entire year on reading the gospels through various cycles and translations, most recently done in 2017. I incorporated the Daily Bible with the ESV, NLT, NIV, the Message and developed my own daily reading list. Click here if you would like this document. Just keep in mind you will need to change the dates and incorporate the Daily Bible into the repertoire. Or use this as a suggested tool and then build your own!
Supplemental Resources
I also highly recommend incorporating listening to the Word of God through YouVersion. I was looking over their reading plans and was quite impressed. There are some great plans available! I plan on using this resource as a supplement to my daily readings. While I believe many may already have this app on their phone, here is the link just in case you do not have it. YouVersion
What Will Be Your 2022 SCRIPTURE READING Game Plan?
So, what will it be? As Michael Hyatt always says, "What gets scheduled, gets done." I urge you to come up with an intentional game plan to grow as a disciple of Jesus (John 8:31-32).
I want to hear from you! Email me and tell me your 2022 Scripture Reading Game Plan. Seriously!!! We need each other to stay strong. Strong student ministries only come from strong student ministry leaders. Enjoy your time at the feet of Jesus!
For this Next Generation,
~ Rich