Nextgen Leader, you’re investing in others…
who’s investing in you?
NextGen leader, if you’re looking for connection and direction to successfully strengthen your ministry, NextGenMatters is here for you!
With NextGenMatters, you will find biblically sound solutions to effectively develop both yourself and your ministry.
Do you serve in student ministry and are looking for a boost in your event planning?
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What is your game plan to demonstrate to your volunteers you value them?
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21 Days to value your volunteers
hear from pastor stephen cutchins
“NextGen Matters has helped me stay connected and stay fresh with the strategies that are working to reach the generation that is coming up behind me.”
Dr. Stephen Cutchins encourages church ministry leaders to partner with NextGen Matters and utilize the resources and services NGM provides.
(Stephen serves as the senior pastor of the exciting First Baptist Church, North Augusta, South Carolina.)
“NGM will guide you into successfully reaching your God-given potential in student ministry.”
- Dr. Rich Brown | President, NextGenMatters
Your ministry to students does matter.
You serve in possibly the most intense, time-consuming ministry in the church. What you do may seem to go unnoticed… until something breaks! I’m sure you have felt overwhelmed, undervalued, and inundated with unattainable requests. We are here for you!
With over 35 years of student ministry experience—both in the church and the classroom—Rich knows the struggles and successes in the world of youth ministry and seeks to assist you reach your ministry potential!

Why NextGenMatters?
Because the MISSION is REAL!
96% of students do not identify as followers of Jesus Christ.
There are 42 million in the USA between the ages of 10-19.
This generation of adolescents is the largest our nation has ever seen and yet is the most unreached.
Connecting Jesus and students drives you forward.
So, how can you effectively make disciples of Jesus Christ in this generation of students?
It starts with godly leadership fulfilling God’s work, using God’s Word, and doing it God’s way.
We want to help you be the leader that best glorifies God by being strong in Christ and, through Him, able to effectively reproduce Him to the next generation (Psalm 78:3-5; 2 Timothy 2:1-10).